Implementing simple systems and processes to free up time to focus on expansion.Since 2020, Facetime Skin Clinic has worked with Helen Laidlaw to identify key opportunities as well as understand and manage the business’s cashflow. Implementing systems and processes within the business has had a positive impact on the financial performance of Face Time Skin Clinic, while reducing Business Manager Michael Gladding’s stress and freeing up his time to focus on expansion.
Business Success Stories NZ
Take a look at the Business Success Stories below to find out how some of my clients have been able to:
make more money (think profit rather than sales)
free up their time so that their business is not 100% reliant on them
increase the value of their business so that they have choices

The value of independent advice and accountability Since 2017, Switch Group has been working with Helen Laidlaw to scale up the business, overcome day-to-day business challenges, and improve profitability. Improving the systems and processes within the business alongside regular independent advice and accountability has been an eyeopener for Switch Group Managing Director, Iain Colville, and has had a positive impact on the financial performance of the business.

Reducing owner-reliance and bottlenecks in your businessSince 2017, Lee Bros Joinery has worked with Helen Laidlaw to reduce the bottlenecks in the business and the company’s reliance on its owner, Paul Ingram. Improving the systems and processes within the business has had a positive impact on the culture and financial performance of Lee Bros Joinery.