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Do you know your Customers?

Independent advice | Helen Laidlaw usiness Advisor

Who are the Top 5 customers in your business?

When was the last time that you had a conversation with them about their business?

It is vitally important that you always know what is happening in your customers’ business. Why?

Because through those conversations, you will get to know:

  • If they are having issues with supply, staff or cashflow
  • If they are planning to grow in the next 5 years, and if so, what this looks like
  • If they are planning to sell or exit in the next 5 years
  • What factors outside their control are impacting their business – think economic or technological
  • Whether they share your values and are a good fit for your business

If a customer is in your Top 5, then what happens in their business will impact what happens in your business.

Be proactive.

Make your customers business…. your business.


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